Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Government teachers are far better compensated than non-state teachers. There are some egregious examples of poor pay for private school teachers all over the country, but to demonstrate the point, we must take the best examples within the non-state space. Among the best examples of how to do things right is The Citizens Foundation (TCF). As I reported last week, TCF has done an exemplary job in establishing over 600 schools with over 80,000 students. It has more than 4,100 wonderful and committed female teachers. The average compensation for a TCF teacher is about Rs10,000.
Average government teacher salaries are dramatically higher. Researchers at the Institute for Social and Policy Sciences in Islamabad have calculated average primary school teachers' salaries at Rs12,000, average middle school teachers' salaries at Rs15,000 and average high school teachers' salaries at Rs19,000.


  1. Education System in Pakistan is a big issue. Because good education system is basic neccesity of every country. In every Country All children must go to school irrespective of the economic health of a country. The state of Pakistan has a duty to provide good basic education to all its children and all non-state factors should do the utmost to influence the state and make it happen.

  2. its a fact that education is a big social problem as well as political problem. it is not considered to take education a serious issue.The government must take serious action for solving the education problem so that every children of Pakistan get the basics of education.

  3. the teachers didnot get the well pay of their work

  4. Compensation of teachers should be equal for both government and private teachers. Teachers at both sectors should be equally treated.

  5. Govt Should Estimating the value of education, the Government should take solid steps on this issue. Implementation instead of projecting policies, should be focused on. Allocation of funds should be made easy from provinces to districts.The Technical education must be given to all the classe snd then to educational institutes.In The End
    Burdening a students with so much books will not work as he will not understand what the world is going to do next moment. Education is the only cure of the destability in the state and can bring revolution through evolution, by eradicating the social evils.
